速報APP / 商業 / Easy Backup Contacts via Email

Easy Backup Contacts via Email


檔案大小:1.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Easy Backup Contacts via Email(圖1)-速報App

Easy Backup provides the following benefits:

* We don't know anything about your contacts.

* We don't have any backup servers, it all happens on the device.

* You manage the backup file and are free to keep it anyway you want. Keep it in your inbox, or on a USB drive, or on your Hard Drive, it is your choice.

* No monthly or yearly fees for storing your backup.

* Light weight App and takes NO resources when not open.

* You can even open the Contacts Backup file with any text editor to search for a number in your contacts.

Easy Backup Contacts via Email(圖2)-速報App

* Cross platform support coming very soon... If you need it send us a msg and can enroll you in the beta for free.

Extremely easy to use, just:

1. Tell Easy Backup to create the Contact Backup file.

2. Easy Backup presents a new email with the backup file attached for you to send to your Inbox.

The moment you want to restore, just:

1. Forward the email with the Contact Backup file to a device.

2. Install Easy Backup.

3. Open the Contact Backup file with Easy Backup.

That is it, all your contacts will appear back in your Address Book!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad